Oktoberfest 2023 – 5 Ways to Scale Your Business While Saying “Prost!”

Date: 3 October 2023

As the countdown to Oktoberfest 2023 begins, as a business, you have the golden opportunity to tap into this festive spirit and draw in eager and potential customers.

Originally held in Munich, Germany, Oktoberfest is a world-famous and extremely popular beer festival. Countries around the globe have adopted it and you’ll find renditions of Oktoberbest across the UK. For many businesses, especially those in the hospitality and entertainment industries, this festival brings in an opportunity to improve brand image and stand out in a competitive market.

Oktoberfest has more to it than simply wearing Lederhosen and raising a glass. From a business point of view, it is an opportunity to increase brand awareness and customer retention! 

With Oktoberfest 2023 just around the corner, here are 5 ways to ensure that your customers are making a beeline to your establishment while saying “prost”!

1. Innovative Custom Beer Mats

During Oktoberfest 2023, embracing innovative custom beer mats is going to be a game-changer for your business.

Craft your own beer mats that resonate with the Oktoberfest theme. Add unique and quirky design elements such as pretzels, beer steins or Lederhosen to engage with your customers in a fun way. You may want to add aesthetically pleasing elements, quotes or trivia to create a sense of personalisation.

Since custom beer mats are versatile and cost-effective, they can be a great choice for some refreshing business promotions this festive season. Looking for ready-made designs for your beer coasters? Take a look at our samples and take your first step towards beer mat printing!

2. Social Media Engagement

a team planning social media strategy for oktoberfest 2023

Leveraging content through social media is something you cannot miss out on! This is one of the essentials to make the most of Oktoberfest for your business.

Begin by creating a social media strategy that clearly defines the goals, purpose and everything else about your business. This will ensure you create compelling and engaging posts that’ll create the necessary buzz to excite your customers and tell them of your plans for Oktoberfest 2023

Go back to the stats from last year and refer to the traffic and performance you received. There are going to be some significant takeaways that you can replicate or do better this time around. Lean on user-generated content and make the most of relevant hashtags to expand your reach. 

In addition to this, consider options like live-streaming, Q&A rounds or behind-the-scenes moments which you can share with your followers across your social media accounts. 

3. Promote Discounts and Deals

two team members discussing sale and discount ideas for Oktoberfest 2023

Promoting discounts and deals during Oktoberfest 2023 is a foolproof way to boost brand image, recognition and awareness. 

Leverage more customers with exclusive discounts, deals and offers to demonstrate your commitment to providing value to your customers during the festival. You can highlight such deals effectively through your social media, website, email and newsletters. After all, everyone loves a discount!

Moreover, organise some well-thought marketing campaigns and advertisements to promote these offers. This will not only help you attract potential customers but also retain the existing ones, as no one will want to miss out on this one! 

A combination of online and offline marketing methods will help make your job easier. Use Mosaic’s beer mats as freebies to push your Oktoberfest campaign successfully!

4. Release a Collection of Beer Mats 

two employees designing custom beer mats for Oktoberfest

Beer mats hold significant importance during Oktoberfest 2023 as they serve as practical tools to keep tables dry and clean. Found in pubs, restaurants and hotels, your collection of beer mats could be a limited edition, a prize or a giveaway to encourage customer engagement! If leveraged properly, these beer coasters can be valuable branding assets

Releasing a series of quality beer mats can be a strategic move to elevate your brand image. Each collection can feature unique designs that capture the essence of Oktoberfest and reflect your brand personality. Make it fun and quirky as you combine the best of your brand and the joy of beer!

To promote these collections, arrange workshops and host events or online giveaways to add to the excitement and increase engagement.


5. Partner With Local Breweries

oktoberfest: a local brewery

To level up your brand image, you may like to partner with local breweries in your area. 

Since Oktoberfest revolves around beer, partnering with local breweries is a great move. You also support local businesses and also enhance your brand image in the process. Local breweries often have a loyal following and by partnering with them, you can enhance your reputation and credibility. Not only this, but local breweries offer a diverse range of Oktoberfest beer and unique beverages that cater to a wider audience, keeping visitors excited about your brand and what it brings to the table. 

Partnering with local breweries showcases that your brand is a community-focused, authentic and appealing destination for festival-goers. 

Choose Mosaic Board Print For Quality Beer Mats

By implementing these effective strategies, you can make Oktoberfest 2023 a memorable experience for your customers and ensure that they’ll be saying “cheers!” all night long in your establishment. From social media engagement to designing quality beer mats, there are multiple ways you can enhance your brand’s reputation.

When it comes to beer mats, you need a trusted ally for designing bespoke beer mats. At Mosaic, with over 25 years of experience in the beer mat printing industry, we do just that! You can rely on us to provide you with nothing but quality services.

Along with custom beer mats, we also offer impeccable packaging solutions and creative carton packaging which can further amplify your brand’s reputation. You can have custom prints for Oktoberfest on these boxes for an added oomph factor!

To find out more, connect with us today!

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